Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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Nobody does f#&k YEAH better than the Americans, everything they turn their hand to they have an ability to do it like a BOSS. The only problem is, along with the good stuff, it's exactly the same with the bad. GO USA!
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The word 'weird' really doesn't do justice to some of these. They are without doubt the most ridiculous and bizarre collection of wedding day snaps that has ever been assembled. Happiest day of their lives?
Comments: 0
Another collection of snaps sullied by silliness. Some are intentional and posed but the best ones are those that just happen spontaneously. Notice some girls in a pool posing for a photo? Sounds like cannonball-o'clock. BANZAI!!!
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Pretty important in terms of the whole human biology thingamajiggy, the human brain, from whatever scientifiic approach you take is a total scumbag. A wondrous marvel of evolution, but still a total scumbag.
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The Beach Boys knew what they were singing about with songs about beautiful chicks, trouble is they got the wrong country. Forget California, the place to write lyrics of lament & longing is located in the far east. WOW.
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This is your raw, live, unprocessed irony, none of that cheap created comedic irony, this stuff is from the streets. A lot of you will probably already see irony everywhere but for those who don't, here are some very clear examples.
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Oh god please let these be concept art for an upcoming video game or movie. If it looked this badass I wouldn't care how bad it sucked or how much of a cheap cash-in on 80s nostalgia it would be.
Comments: 17
Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these body alterations posible. Respect
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Manshiet Nasser is a strange community in Cairo, Egypt. People call this place The City of Garbage because tons of trash come here from city. The most unusual thing about this place is that people actually live here.
Comments: 1,062
Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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