Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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Just some of the most awesome pictures we could find floating around the internet. Here's hoping they make Monday a little more bearable. So bend over, grab your ankles and brace yourself for the 'Monday Morning Dump!'
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What if Marvel Superheroes sold out to corporate sponsors? Well, aside from Wolverine making enough dough to coat his adamantium skeleton in a blinging diamonds, they would probably all look like this...
Comments: 29
Just like the story of Snow White girls can't help looking at their reflection and wondering that eternal question. Nowadays though, they usually have a camera handy and upload to Facebook to get their friends to decide.
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There's a fine line between an amazing tattoo on a chick & a 'tramp stamp' that separates something guys want to drool at & a girl to be avoided - Here's examples of ladies that have got it just right!
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Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood lost all of the horrible 'shopped' ridden-mess it pumps out when launching a film and got back to basics. These posters make the film's advertised about a thousand times more interesting.
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A photo that you can keep hold of into your old age, that you can look back on and gaze into the full majesty of your youthful prime. Unfortunately for this lot, their prime was not very majestic. Fortunately for us, it was very amusing.
Comments: 2
This gallery is a tribute to the high-beams! Hottie celebs showing off their glorious headlights!
Comments: 9
People in Phucket seem to take great delight in stabbing stuff through their cheeks. Apparently their pain brings good luck to those that they pass as they walk around town, showing off their piercings. Weird.
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If it's being applied skillfully, without the use of a shovel, make up can be an incredibly powerful tool. Without it this chick looks relatively run-of-the-mill. With it, she looks like a super kawaii pop starlet.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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