Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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These are the celebrities most in demand every time you type their name into our favourite search engine (is there another one?). There are quite a few surprises as well as the token lesbian to feast your eyes on.
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At first I thought this was a bunch of guys cosplaying as Call Of Duty. Turns out that these are real warzones. You can tell from how much freedom the locals are enjoying, in between being shot at and being bombed. Dark stuff.
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I know, i know, how the hell did the weekend go so fast? It's Monday again & to cure the depression it's time for another dump of gargantuan proportions. 48 pics filled with as much win as we could cram into them. Enjoy.
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible. Respect
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It's a wonder of nature (or fluke) when it comes to taking a photograph of a fast moving event, one micro-second too early or too late and you will have missed the crucial moment where it all comes together. Life's awesome.
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Lets be honest most guys are pretty much dirty dogs when it comes to chicks and when they don't think anyone is watching them, or they are with their friends they're even worse. So when we get busted it's pretty damn funny.
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It's time to remember the summer on these cold winter nights and what's better than some summertime photo candy to keep you warm. It hurts just looking at these scorched sunburnt bodies, what the hell's wrong with them?
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If you want a tattoo that will entertain and amuse your friends, why not get a join the dots tattoo? Other interactive tattoos include; Tic Tac Toe, word-search and dartboard. None of which are recommended.
Comments: 715
Ahhh, irony, it's life's wonderful oxymoron full of poetic FAIL! What a boring place this planet would be without it. Also where would Alanis Morissette get at least 2 albums worth of song material from?
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Sure, going out with friends and consuming alcohol can be incredibly suave and sophisticated, but more often than not it descends into uncouth shenanigans and tomfoolery. For shame!
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