Hot Comic-Con Chicks!
There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
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Japan. It's the land of the rising sun, tsunamis, nuclear power plant meltdowns, fallout and of course a culture that, well, is different than anywhere else on the planet, if you want to experience the surreal then this is the place to live. Cool.
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Yep, it's official, some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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It's an intimate sneek-peek at the internets favourite girl next door pinup. It's been years since she took her top off on the Jerry Springer show - Still, i'm not gonna complain :)
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It's good to know that the one you love can express his feelings enough to propose in public - BUT - I wonder how many girls named Jennifer drove by those signs and felt their hearts drop!
Comments: 13
When the booty flakes are this big, two scoops is way more than the recommended daily allowance. Still, if you're into that sort of thing and don't mind living a little dangerously, fill your boots. There's plenty to go around!
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Until I saw these pictures I never knew you could fit so many chickens onto a bike, or eggs for that matter. I wonder which idea came first? Is there anything they can't carry on their bikes? Let's see if they can transport time. Ha!
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You meet a different class of female at conventions. It breaks the ice about conversation starters - you already know they are into the same thing you are. Genius.
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We regularly scour the internet for the most babely of all of the babes. Here's a selection of some of the most babely winners - Bonus babe points were awarded for suggestive poses and skimpy apparel. Enjoy.
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I know what you want. You want to peruse a gallery of hamster glamour shots don't you? Thought so. Well, here it is, a collection of adorable fluffballs who have all been beutified and readied for their close-ups.
Comments: 3
If it's being applied skillfully, without the use of a shovel, make up can be an incredibly powerful tool. Without it this chick looks relatively run-of-the-mill. With it, she looks like a super kawaii pop starlet.
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