Hot Comic-Con Chicks!
There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
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How do some girls still manage to look cute with their heads stuck in the toilet? It would be a sad world where girls couldn't get drunk like this and sad guys who might take advantage of a drunk girl are spoiling it for everyone.
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It's a harsh world out there, one that craps on your dreams & punches you in the face with the cold hard truth. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. Deal with it :(
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Artist Josh Cooley has taken your favorite R-rated movie scenes, like the chest-bursting one from Alien or the decapitated horse's head one from Godfather and given them a kid-friendly (ish) makeover.
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So super-storm Sandy has been sweeping the east coast of America, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake, flooding, demolishing homes and knocking out power lines. If you've been affected then these lolz are dedicated to you. Enjoy.
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You would think a virgin would grab the opportunity to grab some flesh but it seems that evolution has come up with a way seperating the men from the boys on this matter, obvious signs are 'hover hand' and outright body awkwardness!
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There are millions of cuties on the planet, all i am asking for this year is just one (or maybe two) of them to unwrap on my birthday, i've been a very good boy this year - Honest!? PLEASE GOD!!!
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The Simpsons has been on our TV sets since the mid 1800s so it's quite a surprise that nobody has thought of doing a gallery like this until now. There's probably loads of similar ones you could do as well...
Comments: 4
No one can do it quite like Pamela Anderson, but these hotties give it their best try! Any of them can come rescue me and give me mouth to mouth any time!
Comments: 6
This is the only way to neck a shot of your favourite tipple, be it Jack Daniels on bellybutton or cleavage tequila, so the next time you order at the bar, drink your drink from a lady's orifice!
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No photo is safe, they've gone too far, targetting innocent civilian photos. These are not just photobombers they are professionals, ruining photo's at will. OH THE HUMANITY. Sign me up to the war on photobombers.
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