Hot Comic-Con Chicks!
There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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Photographer Andy Lee uses an interesting technique to capture stunning photos of the Icelandic landscape in a painterly fashion—he uses a lens that picks up infrared light.
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Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake and abject misery - And you thought you had it bad!
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Ok, i know what you are all thinking, grab a branch from the ugly tree and beat her until she loses all of the lard she is carrying and starts to look better. WRONG! Stand back & look & you will be amazed!
Comments: 647
Time for some serious WTF, because, lets face it, everyone needs a bit of WTF in their life - Everything in this gallery is so stuffed with WTF that it'll make you eyes cross and your head explode. Or something like that. WTFtastic!
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At first I thought this was a bunch of guys cosplaying as Call Of Duty. Turns out that these are real warzones. You can tell from how much freedom the locals are enjoying, in between being shot at and being bombed. Dark stuff.
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Artist Josh Cooley has taken your favorite R-rated movie scenes, like the chest-bursting one from Alien or the decapitated horse's head one from Godfather and given them a kid-friendly (ish) makeover.
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Prepare for some epic FAIL-Tat-Stik permanent skin disasters! Every single one of these is craptastic & hugely regrettable in so many ways. Remember. A tattoo isn't just for life, it's for your friends to laugh at as well.
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Yep, it's that time of the week again. Time to sit down, gather your thoughts and let us squeeze a great big dollop of internet into your brain space. It's full of truly random pictures, each hand picked for their lolz quotient. Enjoy.
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Context! It's super important, because without it things can just look really weird—and some perfect examples of what happens when there's no context is this series of photos, where no one understands what's going on.
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