Abandoned Supercars Cars In Dubai
Oh the HORROR! A collection of high-performance vehicles that have been left abandoned at Dubai airport, left by rich people who think nothing of letting a car that costs more than some people's home, to rot.
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Drool over 'wholesome' teens, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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Artist Josh Cooley has taken your favorite R-rated movie scenes, like the chest-bursting one from Alien or the decapitated horse's head one from Godfather and given them a kid-friendly (ish) makeover.
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Trust good old Mother Nature to come up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
Comments: 0
Something as simple and an uncertain look in the eye of futurama's fry in a single frame of animation is enough to spawn a meme. A meme with a thousand macros. Originally part of another meme this is now a meme in it's own right.
Comments: 13
It's weird to think that in the age of iTunes & MP3 playes that some of the younger generation will have no idea what an LP album cover looks like, for the rest of us it was an age of fun and really getting into the music.
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Some are professionally done, others look like they've come straight from a deviant art page or from the front of the artist's mom's fridge, but that doesn't mean they're not awesome, especially the Gaston/Belle swap.
Comments: 759
It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
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Everyone knows that Power Rangers and the shambling undead are mortal enemies, but this is the first time I've seen their everlasting conflict depicted in the form of an impromptu flashmob. Sterling work, chaps.
Comments: 107
Here's some of the coolest watches I've ever seen. These are sure to impress fashion freaks and techno geeks around the world!
Comments: 122
Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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