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Sometimes Security Cameras Catch a Gem
This FedEx van driver has started his day in the worst way possible, but on the plus side he's certainly given these neighborhood dogs an entertaining show—and they've got front row seats too.
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Not just any gayness, interracial gayness! The only thing this game needs now is a side story about how abortion is a woman's choice and it will be trolling puritanical right-wingers the world over. Awesome.
Comments: 0
There's nothing like a father and daugher going for a relaxing stroll together, except there's nothing very relaxing about teetering round the edge of a huge chimney hundreds of feet in the air. WTF?
Comments: 3
When it comes to racing cars, the action's mostly going on outside of the vehicle. But not this race, this race all the actions going on inside the car, right around where this girl's sitting.
Comments: 6
The queen of Radio 4 turns into an alien queen, of sorts, by birthing a blood-coated fleshy monster live on national TV, while Sigourney Weaver looks on with affection. And it’s a pretty impressive feat.
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If you're a fan of the Wub Wub but also like chewing tobacco, nascar and playing rabbits with your cousin, this could be the video for you. It's basically just Dubstep with a redneck dancing to it. What more do you want?
Comments: 2
Three roommates empty a bag of Chinese food and, like when anyone orders from a Chinese, the food is never ending and the bag appears to be manufactured by the same people who made Mary Poppins'.
Comments: 35
Sun Xi Zhong from China enters the Guinness Book of World Records after climbing 15 stairs using nothing but his head.
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No wonder he was in such a hurry to make it through the turnstile. His trip started a little earlier than he'd expected.
Comments: 4
American Idol host Ryan Seacrest insults a blind man by trying to high five.
Comments: 3
Take some bonus rock song from the Harry Potter soundtrack, re-edit some of the scenes from the movie and you have Harry Potter in a completely new light. Now when's the release date?
Comments: 2