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Nearly Picking Up Chicks
This guy is intentionally going out of his way to look awkward and be terrible at chatting up the ladies. Somehow though he still manages to get digits offered to him. Maybe this is a viable pick-up technique?
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The folks at The Unusual Suspect have done another Power Rangers intro mashup, this time the 1993 science fiction film, Jurassic Park. The team used the style of the intro from the Power Rangers Dino Thunder series, complete with screens shattered by dino
Comments: 2
With millions of $$$'s being spent on blockbuster movies isn't it time we took a whole new approach to viewer entertainment - Made in 4 afternoons and with no special effects, this is much better than the real thing - LOL
Comments: 3
Wow, this guy is amazing! David Blane or Chris Angel couldn't hold a candle to the illusionary powers this man has! It's purely magic!
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Conan O'Brien parodies the backlash Apple has received from giving away U2's latest album. So if you don't like the new album from the Irish rockers, Apple can show you how to delete it. But maybe that's just not extreme enough for you...
Comments: 1
It looks like his leg is about to explode, we suggest he goes to see a doctor or a psychotherapist (because, lets face it, this looks insane) straight away. This is totally freaky!
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I’ve never heard of this cheeky cockney chap before but he certainly knows how to conduct an interview. This has to be the best A-list celebrity interview I have ever seen. Denzel Washington truly is The Man.
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Now, this is without doubt something pretty special, but I bet he couldn't repeat it. A shot like this is part skill, part luck. But it doesn't make it any less impressive. He's probably been practicing it for weeks.
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Erm, OK. Not quite sure what this is all about. A ninja walks into a bedroom, brutally slays two teenagers then starts getting his groove on with a couple of his ninja bros. It must make sense to somebody?
Comments: 19
I don't understand why the weatherman didn't tell the people of Mexico there was such a good chance of golden showers and skeet in their area. i would have loved to have seen what the weather turned out to be - LMAO!
Comments: 7
This Panda gets pissed off at a branch after it snaps and causes him to fall out of a tree. It's a definite case of tree-karma at it's best!
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