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Typical In Japan
It might seem weird to western eyes, but this sort of thing is perfectly normal in japan. I went there on holiday once, and if I had 1 yen for everytime i was turned into a dairy cow and milked by midgets...
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Most of the wedding party was getting annoyed with this crazy chick but she sealed the deal when she started dancing with this pole. It eneded with the most amusing FAIL ever!
Comments: 2
What the heck have they been feeding this feathered voice impressionist, whatever it is it seems to be working pretty damn amazingly - It's almost tempting to say that these baby sounds have been dubbed in.
Comments: 0
Like a lot of girls recently this chick decides to check her boyfriend's cell phone and finds a lot of calls from another girl. Some say if Elin hadn't checked Tiger's cell phone Chris Henry would be alive today.
Comments: 2
Marty McFly and Doc Brown are famous for two things: traveling through time and constantly repeating the other person's name. And you know what, this would also make for a really fun drinking game too.
Comments: 0
They say they did it in one take, then again, everyone says that - but the horribly stupid dance they do at the end leaves me thinking otherwise.
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Just a copyright-free little ditty about an Egyptian river god who finds a place to sleep atop two sheep and a deer named Harrison, who also happen to be governors of Algiers before the French conquest in 1830.
Comments: 2
Steve-o, Steve-o, Steve-o, what were you thinking? If you run into the fist of Mike Tyson then something is bound to get broken, badly. The end of Charlie Sheen's Roast ends on a high.
Comments: 2
If you're looking for a hilarious way to ruin your wedding day, choreographing a dance routine to a Justin Bieber song is a pretty effective way to do it. It's hilarious at first but it's still Bieber...
Comments: 4
There are times when only a 'big ass' tow truck will do. This is one of those times. Not quite sure if this is the technical term for a tow truck of this size, but hey, it works for me.
Comments: 8
It's a classic prank executed to perfection. Watch & learn guys, because if you pull this one off on valentines day your chick will love you forever. What seals it on this beauty is the ass slap, once he has got her holding the stick!
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