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Sticky Buddy Dub
Jabooodydubs roll out another instant classic. No Billy Mays in sight, just a monotonous old guy with a jumper covered in pussy hair and a screechy old woman rollering the fur of her pooch.
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Shades? Check. Motorbike? Check. inability to control said motorbike? Big check! Even with shades and a bike it's hard to look cool when you've just catapulted yourself over the handlebars and taken a big hungry bite out of the asphault...
Comments: 2
A woman spent hours walking around Midtown New York wearing only a jacket and a thong, and no pants—well she did have pants but they were painted on in blue. Yet does anyone notice?
Comments: 1
This is breaking news. Toddler-faced teen goon Bieber is actually a nasty predatory pedo who disguises himself as a pre-adolescent sexless emo just to attract teenage girls. Shocking .....And true!?
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Renowned photographer Clayton Sotos is the first Innovator for Dell's 'Visual Innovators' series . Follow his artistic process as he gathers inspiration from city life and old mens buttholes.
Comments: 4
This is freaky as heck. About halfway through, the crab actually exits his own shell fresh with a new one. Sometimes I wish I could do this and get a new body - It would mean i could eat all the KFC i wanted to!
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Well, what the hell did they think was going to happen? Maybe he just shouldn’t put a highly flammable liquid on a fire and expect it to not go crazy. Maybe.
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The Danish duo 'Robotboys,' who won 'Denmark’s Got Talent' in 2008 have since danced their way to fame. This original dance team have toured the world and are in massive demand on the European popping scene.
Comments: 2
Richie Castellano recently had the honor of meeting and performing for Roger Taylor, the drummer for Queen. To commemorate this experience, he decided to record this split screen video of his favorite song of all time!
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Okay, so the title gave away the ending a bit but hey, at least that's another thing checked off the list of weird stuff that you'd never seen before. Sure, it's not one of the important ones, but it's a start...
Comments: 1
This is not a bad idea for house cats who get fat and unhealthy, so they can move their feet—in fact, this is how you could make fat Americans exercise, dangle a hamburger in front of a treadmill.
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