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The Purity Bear
Two fully grown consenting adults on a dinner date. Should they continue the evening behind closed doors? Not according to the purity bear. Not unless you want depression, failure and all kinds of STDs.
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If people recording videos on their phone in portrait instead of landscape is a bugbear of yours, this video’s for you. With appropriate anger and violence it details how annoying and stupid it is.
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This is why not everything should be done over the internet.. LOL
Comments: 1
Extreme corporate retreats like this, lost at 14,000 ft in the Andes mountains, have their positives, just make sure you get some bonding sessions with that leggy blonde from accounts.
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There aren't too many black guys in Aspen Colerado, so this dude is here to represent and introduce himself and his race to some of the white folk before they hit the slopes. Courtesy of Improv Everywhere.
Comments: 5
It just leaves you wondering "What the hell did he do after this?"....The HORROR!. The time and effor the puts in and his proximity to his goal make all the funnier when he fails. Epic.
Comments: 207
School field trips are always debatable days of boredom, kids being sick on the coach and arguments. No one wants to be there - Indeed, school trips should be crap. But never racist.
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It's long been known that it would take a truly special man.Well Greatness is upon us in the form of Barak Obama. The man is truly a visionary!
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Once she reaches the right age think of the things you could do with her in the bedroom. Damn son!!!
Comments: 2
Teaching in the inner city is no mean feat. Not only do you need to wear a bulletproof vest to work, but you have to get the hang of pronouncing some funky names. Funky names like Dee Nice, A.A.Ron. Word.
Comments: 23
Some people think a tank is weapon of destruction. Not this guy, he’s turned it into a musical instrument. Just because the military-industrial complex teaches us all to hate each doesn’t mean you have to follow the rules.
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