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Chinese News Reporter Screams
Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to get a good story. Sometimes. Either this reporter is terrified riding the slide or she is just practicing her Angry Bird impersonation?
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You can't blame viral celebrities for trying to make a few bucks off their new-found fame. Most cash-ins are cringingly bad but this one might just be so bad that it comes out the other side as awesome.
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There's nothing like trivialising what could potentially be a nasty accident by putting a bit of Mario music over the top so we can all have a good chuckle. After all, what's the internet for if not to push the boundaries of bad taste.
Comments: 2
Bam tells Tony Hawk all about the time that his crazy naturist stalker broke into his house and climbed into bed with him. I know sounds pretty cool right? Well, unfortunately it's only cool if you're into the yeti look...
Comments: 1
If you're gonna FAIL it's probably not a good idea to do it with an 82mm mortar, but then again you're not the Russian gun dude with nerves of cool. He barely shows that he came close to becoming a million tiny little pieces.
Comments: 23
Sometimes, when you face up to your fears, you also end up facing up to the concrete instead. Somehow i reckon that this is definitely one of those times and will not be repeated anytime soon - OUCH!
Comments: 13
Pranks ALWAYS seem better when played on a cute chick - Well, the girl who owns this room has a real surprise when she gets home.. LOL
Comments: 2
It sounds crazy but reports indicate that a Big Mac, fried, nuggets and coke taste better after 10 or so minutes in a rice cooker. Well, it couldn't make them taste any worse eh? Thanks again, Japan!
Comments: 1
When they get back from their tour they can go on another tour, as backing dancers for Lady Gaga. Fame & fortune awaits boys, fame & fortune. AWESOME!
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Not sure what this guy had for dinner the night before, but whatever it was it’s given him some good propulsion. He might want to stay away from dodgy take aways in future.
Comments: 1
Some people enjoy putting mayonnaise in their sandwiches. Some people, great Christ, enjoy putting it on their French fries (I seen 'em do it), and some people enjoy slathering it all over hot girls' chest.
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