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Cop Annoyed With Slow Driver
A police officer gets frustrated with a chick driving too slow in the fast lane and does something that ALL drivers wish they could do, without pulling her over or running her off the road. GENIUS!
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We all like going to the movies and eating popcorn, but it’s so fucking expensive. It’s corn! So why am I paying $7 a bag! WTF? Here’s what to do; get a giant popcorn machine like this!
Comments: 0
After watching this video you'll never look at clouds the same way again. They will always look cuter now. This is probably meant to entertain kids but it works equally well at entertaining stoners.
Comments: 0
You might think that attempting to teach tricks to a cat would be a futile exercise, but not so. This chick has managed to teach her cat all kinds of cool trick. Mind you, I'd do those too if she fed me bits of bacon...
Comments: 0
We’re all familiar with Hogwarts, the school for wizards that educated a certain Harry Potter. But were you aware of its origin? Here, for the first time, is revealed the untold story.
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Machine-man versus digital flip-out electro riff tunes. The battle of the ages, but who will win? Who will rise victorious from this robo-clash, who will be bought for a dollar? Whose skull will grind into digital mince?
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Jordan Caron gets the hardest check of his life. Maybe they call it 'check' because you need to check to see if he's still breathing afterward.
Comments: 2
Well constructed and nicely done. COOL
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Technique is everything when you want to do something perfectly. OK, the approach was just about perfect, and the flight was pretty spectacular, but that was a crappy landing with a poor entry. Too much splash.
Comments: 4
This man should be congratulated. He has managed to create the most offensively bad piece of music ever. Not content with that, this is only one song from an entire albums worth of similar material. Impressive.
Comments: 1
Some dude falls off his bike during a race and the guy behind him doesn't have time to react and runs him over.
Comments: 6