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Superman at Uni - Epic to the Fail
So pranks in college lecture theaters are not new, but they are amusing. You’d think though that the Man of Steel would have no problem kicking open some fire exit doors. He must’ve had a real hard night on the tiles.
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Threads was aired on 1984 to an unsuspecting British public and, in just one airing, it put the UK off nuclear war for good. It’s grim viewing and just try and imagine how it would’ve impacted its audience in a pre-internet ara.
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This is one hell-of-a-way to pass an afternoon. Flying through the Swiss Alps like some sort of insane winged ninja. James Bond would be proud, it's pretty much how he starts every day. Too kool for skool!
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I'm going to wait for the second generation on the Water Bottle Jet Pack to be launched before i even think of trying it out. It'll be cheaper, lighter, and you'll be able to go twice as far before crashing.
Comments: 2
This skateboard stunt is what happens when you have too much time and lighter fluid on your hands. Don't attempt this. It requires a professional level of stupidity.
Comments: 46
By the time the owner realizes whats going on his car is already gone - This guy is FAST!!!
Comments: 1
So this is what happened to LA film makers, Skyecam Drone Crew, during their documentary filming on Skid Row with a drone. And as much as you feel for the, you have to wonder what did they expect?
Comments: 3
Haute Couture has suddenly become very fashionable in the skate community. Watch these mystery fingers master some sweet jumps. Rebounding off what looks like the entire Hermès accessories collection.
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Some people have nothing better to do than put on a thong and shake it at the camera like they were a human rattle snake & people, like me, have nothing better to do than watch them. Someone has to.
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It's getting difficult to stay ahead of the game nowadays, but stay with it! Thanks to a prank double-cross, an attempted headshot is converted to a nutshot. OUCH!
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Now you can read the extended version. Yes, a whole new 200 pages for you to get to grips with, with many, many passages about having to shit in the woods with no toilet paper. Oh, the humanity!
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