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Epic High-Kicking Soccer Catfight
They all deserve red cards. Not for fighting, of course, but for not ripping their shirts off Brandy Chastain-style before they started kicking each other. Still, it's the best match i've watched during the World Cup :)
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Ladies in attention grabbing garb pick up the mantle of the hula hoopist. It almost supernatural how entertaining it can be rotating rhythmically around a scantily clad lady's midsection. I could do it all day, every day.
Comments: 7
If you were wondering what Seinfeld would have been like if it had been allowed to run past the point where it was still funny, I give you exibit A. A dead horse being flogged mercilessly. Still, I'll probably watch anyway.
Comments: 1
They've done it. They've gone and done it. Pee-Wee Herman now has his very own pornographic video out there thanks to Vivid Entertainment. If you ever needed a sign that the end is nigh, this is surely it.
Comments: 4
There's nothing the internet likes more than making fun of something that's actually pretty serious. it doesn't get much more serious than an assassination attempt so here's the internet, doing what they do best!
Comments: 2
If you are gonna impress a crowd then make it something BIG & dangerous, people like to think you might die. He flips over a guy in a wheel chair & builds up to clearing a Honda NSX going pretty damn fast.
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With Hollywood resorting to remakes of remakes of movies that were never very good in the first place, perhaps a feature length movie made of youtube cat videos would do well? At least it would break the formula.
Comments: 27
When it comes to carnival games, this guy from Detroit has it down to a science. He wins so many toys from these games that they've limited the number of times you can win, and he's had to store his winnings in a garage!
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Ever feel that there is far too much on offer at your local chicken shop, even though all they serve is chicken? This guy does and he’s written a song about it. All he really wants is a bucket of chicken. Is that too much to ask?
Comments: 0
It's depressing when an eight year old has got better dance moves than you, but credit where credit's due, as they say. Because this lil b-boy has got some sweet skills, Pwnd by an eight year old. Ouch.
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Greg James managed to convince Sir David Actual Attenborough to re-voice the Curling... with Team GB and Team USA. "Off she goes, gently but flamboyantly, launching the oversized walnut down the frozen river."
Comments: 2