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Lighting A Fart: Girl Torches Butt
Sometimes people do things for reasons we may never fully understand. And FAIL! We can confidently tell her the burning sensation goes away quickly, but the reputation lasts a while.
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The LEGO Group is 80 years old and to celebrate they’ve released this animation about how it all began. You’d think they might have used a stop-motion LEGO animation to tell the tale, but maybe that was too obvious.
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This guy freaks out over being recorded at work, yelling "Don't record me!" Seriously? It can't be that big a secret that you work there. Maybe it's because he doesn't wanna be seen on TV without any achievement stars?
Comments: 4
Some of these are crappy little dinghies and no one really cares about them, but some are huge ocean liners crashing into each other, which are totally jaw dropping.
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If there was a prize for the most awesome use of the Source Filmmaker tool, I think this guy would have just won it. If singing and dancing old-timey head-crabs don't do it for you then I don't know what will.
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Arnie's commentary for “Total Recall” pretty much just consisted of him describing the scenes taking place before the viewer. So Jimmy Fallon got him to do the same insightful analysis on some of his other films.
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If you thought the hand fart was just for causing ripples of laughter in a crowd, you'd be wrong. This guy makes it musical with a rendition of Simon & Garfunkel's Sound Of Silence. Kinda ironic choice of song.
Comments: 6
After Lincoln, Spielberg decided to go a bit more contemporary with his next presidential biopic. And so he turns his directorial skills to Obama, with none other than Daniel Day Lewis playing the prez. True story.
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Mac fanboys or "Macfags" are possibly the most annoying breed of computer nerd. With aspirations of being cool and a condescending air, they will lecture you about how much better their personal computer is than a PC.
Comments: 2
A skier gets buried alive under 8 feet of snow in Verbier, Switzerland. Luckily, he was able to form a large enough air pocket to stay alive until his buddies dug him out. Still wanna ski when the snow comes?
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Tony Gerrard was feeling the pressure and he steps up to take a penalty kick. BUT! My God what happens next will have you doubting his skills, not just as a football player, but as a human being. Fail.
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